So I've never really have worried about shields but their cosmetic appearance; can you guys help me what their stats actually contribute too? I have a faint idea as to what the stats do, can you guys clarify and correct me if I'm wrong?
So, weight is obviously weight and it slows you down. However, does this affect my speed rating as well? Does this judge my ability to open up?
Body Armor
Okay. Sorta confused on this one. Does body armor dictate resistance and how well it can get chopped up? Does it add to overall body armor and help mitigate receiving blows?
How much skill points you need for you to be able to equip the item. However, does more shield skill increase the durability significantly?
I'm pretty sure this judges how much damage your shield can take before it crumbles. If I'm under-analyzing this, or any of this so far, please tell me.
Speed Rating
Speed rating shows you how fast you can open up to attack, and bring up to block, right? Now, does this speed rating add with the speed rating to your sword? or does attacking purely rely on sword speed?
Shield height/width
How well your shield can cover your unit.
I'd love some critical feedback to the things I'm missing out of the picture.