Author Topic: Rageball feedback  (Read 922 times)

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Rageball feedback
« on: April 03, 2012, 10:31:40 pm »
First of all I used the search function but please forgive me if I have missed anything suggested so far in other threads or the 25 pages the main rageball thread now contains.

Rageball is fun but needs some changes imo that enforce people to focus more on the actual gamemode.

Random killing

Currently you respawn close to where you die after a short period time. I see a few issues with that. The first thing we are all aware of are the random killers. You cant effectively play midfield or defence or any other position that is not overwhelmed with your teammates at a given time as you will be ganked for no reason by anyone within a 30 meter radius constantly. Even if you defeat a few oppents they will backstab you a few seconds after this due to the short respawn time and location.

Furthermore poeple doing so infront of your goal are even more of a pain as you cant hold infinite "waves" of randomers. The problem as I see it is that randoming the shit out of people who wanna play the gamemode is way too rewarding because sooner or later the ball might end up at those people who are just randoming people close to the goal, eventually scoring with out any skill, strategy or thought involved. They are annoying when they are in your own team either as they will never notice when you are trying to pass to them because they are more focused on chasing that enemy across half the field, walking in the opposite direction to where the ball is.


Field zones

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White zone is where your goal is at while in the black zone is the enemy goal. For the enemy team zones are mirrored of course so your goal is always in the white zone.

I suggest that wounding/killing enemies is only possible when the ball is located at a field zone adjacent or inside a zone your enemy is in. Trying to kill someone without meeting the requirement will result in a foul and will result in punishment.


Your team is getting raped, the ball has not left the blue zone for minutes, yet you have nothing better to do than random in front of their goal which is zone red. Foul

Your team scored a goal, the enemy GK has the ball and is in Zone black. He is trying to locate any players to pass to which is difficult as everyone in his sight is TDMing. You are whacking down players in zone yellow, green, or even blue. Foul

Your team scored, you see the GK in zone black is about to pass to ball to an enemy whos standing right next to you in zone red and you chop him to pieces. Correct

You are an arbalester defending zone blue. One of your teammates has the ball and is very close to the enemy goal in zone red and is about to score a point for your team. He is being chased by some agi runner who will take him down in a few seconds but due to your immense sniping skills you manage to land a shot on him, stunning him, saving your teammate from losing the ball. Correct


If you attack someone without meeting the requirements mentioned above you commit a foul. If you do so your weapon will glance or bounce and you get a prolonged knockdown animation, automaticly sheating your weapon, thus losing a set amount of health ( i.e. 80%, preferably a 2 hit kill ). During the lenght of this knockdown animation, which should at least last a few seconds, every enemy can attack you without penalty for a set amount of time, indicated with an icon above your head. After the animation is over there should be a cooldown of a few seconds so you dont accidently commit a foul your self because your weapon hit him 0.2 seconds after he stood up again, also idealy indicated with an icon. When this takes place you should get a textmessage like "you commited a foul, you can be attack for x seconds without penalty" or similar so people know wtf is going on and learn from their mistakes.


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Showing up over your head while you are on the ground, indicating every enemy can attack you with no penalty.


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Showing up over your head after standing up again, indicating you cant be attacked anylonger but also not giving penalties for the attacker for a short amount of time. ( should last 1 - 2 seconds )


Everytime you die by damage reflection or while being knocked down by yourself, so to speak everytime you die because of you fouling someone, your respawn timer is set to 30 - 60 seconds ( probably increasing for every foul leading to a death ). During this time you wont get any XP / gold.


In order to attack someone you will have to care about the ball constantly. If you use this system to your advantage you are protected from randomers most of the time without losing the abillity to play the gamemode appropriately. People are being forced to position themselfes in a smart way. Without gaining XP or gold and very long respawntimes, mindless randomers will get heavy punishments. You wont get mad anymore because you can simply slap those randomers in the face and also your team starts playing correctly once they realise that "griefing" other people is only possible to a very limited extent and also much more dangerous.

This might not be the best system one can come up with, but I claim implementation would make things a lot better than they are as of now.


So there you have it. Please tell me what you think or if you see methods how to exploit this mechanic. What would you change ?

« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 10:33:26 pm by XyNox »
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Re: Rageball feedback
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2012, 11:02:26 pm »
brilliant ideas, i'm sure these will keep the duel my old friends away from rageball servers. rageball needs a little bit order, too many retards chasing people for kills and ruining the teamplay
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Re: Rageball feedback
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2012, 07:55:10 pm »
C'mon guys. Where are all the people complaining about this in game ? Raise your voice. Also thx Tavuk.
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Re: Rageball feedback
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2012, 09:55:24 am »
I'm working on a score system that rewards making a goal, assist, interception, hitting ball carrier etc with points("kills"). It shows on the scoreboard and those who actually play will be on top while TDMers will be at the bottom. I hope that will create some motivation. Maybe there can even be some multiplier penalty for the bottom-feeders.

I don't like the idea of a zone-based foul system. To complex and the ball can change zones quickly with kicks so killing a winger/striker or so even if the ball is in the other half should not be disallowed.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 09:58:02 am by Paul »

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Re: Rageball feedback
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2012, 10:06:23 am »
I'm working on a score system that rewards making a goal, assist, interception, hitting ball carrier etc with points("kills"). It shows on the scoreboard and those who actually play will be on top while TDMers will be at the bottom. I hope that will create some motivation. Maybe there can even be some multiplier penalty for the bottom-feeders.

I don't like the idea of a zone-based foul system. To complex and the ball can change zones quickly with kicks so killing a winger/striker or so even if the ball is in the other half should not be disallowed.

Sounds good.
Maybe reward top scorers with an extra 1k xp at goal score (+ the multi) and bottom feeders shouldn't get the multi (just keep the current one) when their team scores the goal. I reckon defenders and goalie would have less points from "making a goal, assist, interception, hitting ball carrier" so there needs to be a way to earn points for them too, perhaps simply standing in the goal for the goalie, since he has the most boring job. Not sure how you could do the same for other defenders without having them leech though.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 10:07:47 am by Vibe »

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Re: Rageball feedback
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2012, 10:30:43 am »
My current list goes like that:

(d=done, nd=not_done, t=tested, u=untested)
goal with deflection: +- 5 points; d u
goal with throw: +- 10 points; d t
goal with header: +- 15 points; d t
goal with kick: +- 20 points; d t
intercepting(catching) a ball from enemy: 4 points; nd
intercepting(passive) a ball from enemy: 2 points; nd
hitting ball carrier: +- 1 point; d u
killing ball carrier: +- 2 points; d u
assist a goal: +5 -1; nd

I think goalies will have decent scores because a good one  passive and active catches a lot balls from the enemy. He'll even score some assists with long kicks.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 10:32:51 am by Paul »

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Re: Rageball feedback
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2012, 10:47:40 am »
I think goalies will have decent scores because a good one  passive and active catches a lot balls from the enemy. He'll even score some assists with long kicks.

True, what about games where one side dominates and there's barely any defense needed?

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Re: Rageball feedback
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2012, 10:52:12 am »
Autobalance should be connected to the scoreboard so having a team full of players vs a team of TDMers should be less common. Hopefully the players will be more evenly spread over both teams, making total domination less likely. Also flat kicks will be more powerful so quick turn-overs will be possible, forcing every defence to be on their toes all of the time.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 10:53:18 am by Paul »

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Re: Rageball feedback
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2012, 05:52:21 pm »
Sounds good. Good to know something will be done regarding this matter and people get some kind of reward for their performance. The only thing I'm asking though, will there a system preventing people from randoming instead of simply not rewarding them scorewise ?

Right now the team with more people dedicated to pay attention to the ball wins in the majority of cases anyway. Yet this does not seem to disturb people from camping at your spawnpoint point and random you over and over again as there is no punishment those people have to care about, ruining the fun for the people who want to play the gamemode properly. Often I'm sitting on x5 with no actual reason to complain because the enemy team is not capable nor interested in scoring, still it is annoying to get killed for no strategic reason.

I fear without some kind of punishment the occurrence of TDMers will be inevitable.
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