Honour and Slavery
You are condemned to be afraid, so you trip together
I am the bravest, so I chase my hunt
You are condemned to kneel front of BEARS, so you shall live
I am the most free, so I act myself
You are condemned not to have honour, so you share what you have
I am the most honourable, so I fight for what I want
You are condemned to be hungry, so you steal what others have
I am the king of kings, so I fight against all of you
You are condemned to leave unless you like where you are, so you are all traitors
I am the leader of my area, so I protect my community myself
You are condemned to live under BEARS's control, so you are wolves
I die with my honour and dignity, so I am the LION.
''Wolves? They are not in my class, so just ignore them and keep napping!''
A lion that has a nap under a tree and watches some wolves which are eating remnant of a hunt of the lion.
Remember! A lion lives a short life because he attacks without hesitation!