Although Huscarl is great shield, try using heavy round, so you can have 3 stacks of throwing. 2 stacks of axes, shield & 1 8ammo throwing weapon like daggers/stars/darts. I almost always carry a stack of Daggers (NOT KNIVES) to combat low armor opponents that are fleeing or xbows reloading. Daggers also do in a pitch vs unarmored cav and annoying horse archers/bows. Anyone that isnt wearing mail armor on a horse that is charging you can be killed with a throwing dagger.
For you non-Vikings out there, I would say the 4pt stars are on par with throwing daggers. Lower damage but their firing rate & missile speed is so fast you'll be able to hit targets easier and get more headshots.
Remember that glove weight is increased by 8x and reduces throwing WPF, so if you want max damage & accuracy wear leather gloves. Also dont go above 2 weight on your helm as its weight is 6x. Body armor you can usually get up pretty high, we frequently go around in about 15 weight body armor.