Hail brave folk!
YOU want a good clan...
Join us!!!
We respect others,
Stop EVIL,
And join the Order Of The Griffin!!!!
Honor Code= slay evil and don't be evil!(no TK,glitching,swearing and leeching)
Troop Tree
Page : wanna be knights who are brave and determined. (LV 1-10)
simple sword, blue shield or plain cavalry shield, blue hose or leather boots, blue tunic or blue gambeson, sumpter, leather gloves or nothing, blue hood or nothing.
Squire : aids of the knights who clean armor and take care of horses, they fight much beter than Pages. (LV 11-18)
short arming sword, horseman's kite shield or horseman's heater shield, light lance, mail chausses or leather boots, mail shirt or blue mail with tunic, steppe horse or rouncey, leather gloves or mail mittens, mail coif or khergit war helm.
Knight : mighty cavalrymen of our order, they can fight very well with sword and lance. (LV 19-26)
italian sword, black and white kite shield or blue and purple kite shield, lance, mail boots or iron greaves, heraldic mail with tabard,lammelar armor or blue mail with surcoat, courser or palfrey, wisby gauntlets or mail mittens, vaegir nobleman helmet or blue great helm.
Paladin : unstoppable elite of our order, tremendous swordsman and lancer. (LV 27+)
knightly arming sword or warhammer, knightly heater shield or blue heavy norman shield, heavy lance, shynbaulds or cased greaves, mail and plate or heraldic transitional armor, courser, warhorse or large warhorse, polished gauntlets or gilded hourglass gauntlets, blue great helm or blue tournament helm.
Crusader : offensive cavalry of the order, they fight with great swords. (LV 21+)
great sword, heavy lance or lance, mail chausses or mail boots, light mail and plate, hunter, mail mittens, great helmet or nothing.
Mercenary Cavalry : our payed horsemen that are determined to fight for their money. (STF)
a horse other than sumpter that must look french, any blue chainmail, any mail helmet (must look french), any mail boots (must look french), any mail gauntlets (wisby included), any french looking sword, any lance, any french looking shield.
Bowmen and Crossbowmen
Militia Bowman : beginner archers that are still learning the way of the bow. (LV 1-10) (forest lands unit)
short bow, arrows, long dagger or hand axe, ankle boots or leather boots, green tunic or tunic with green cape, leather gloves or nothing, padded coif.
Militia Crossbowman : beginner crossbowmen that are still learning the way of the crossbow. (LV 1-10)
hunting crossbow or light crossbow, bolts, knobbed mace, hide boots or leather boots, linen tunic,short tunic or yellow tunic, leather gloves or nothing, yellow hood or nothing.
Archer : average bowman of our order, a good shot.(LV 11-18) (forest lands unit)
bow, arrows, simple sword, leather boots, leather armor or padded cloth, leather gloves, skullcap or footman's helmet.
Crossbowman : average crossbowman of our order, a good shot. (LV 11-18)
light crossbow or crossbow, bolts, light one handed battle axe, leather boots, tabard,padded armor or padded leather, leather gloves, skullcap or nasal helmet.
Ranger : expert foresters and archers that can easily pop an eye out from a good distance. (LV 19+) (forest lands unit)
rus bow or long bow, bodkin arrows or arrows, arabian guard sword, splinted leather greaves over mail or mail chausses, green mail with tunic or studded leather coat, mail chausses or mail gauntlets, green steppe cap.
Arbalestrier : master crossbowmen who know their art very well. (LV 19-26)
crossbow or heavy crossbow, steel bolts, iberian mace, mail boots, white mail with surcoat or heraldic mail, mail mittens,mail gauntlets or wisby gauntlets, blue kettle hat.
Guardian : elite crossbowman whom no one can stop, stong maceman as well. (LV 27+)
arbalest or heavy crossbow, steel bolts, military hammer or warhammer, shynbaulds, grey corrazina, polished gauntlets, barbutte.
Mercenary Ranged Weapon User : greedy and masterful hired bows or crossbows. (STF)
any xbow better than light or any bow better than hunting bow (must look french), any 1h melee weapon (must look french), any bolts or arrows, nay leather armor (must look french), leather boots, leather gloves, any mail helm (must look french).
Recruit : fresh new troops without much skill. (LV 1-10)
battle axe, ankle boots, red tunic or tabard, leather gloves, nothing.
Man-At-Arms : trained infantry of our order, they know a thing or two about swords. (LV 11-18)
heavy bastard sword, mail chausses, tourney armor, mail gauntlets, red arena helmet or mail coif.
Veteran Infantry : master footmen who slew a good deal with their swords. (LV 19-25)
highlander claymore, mail boots, light mail and plate, hourglass gauntlets, guard helmet.
Landscknecht : unstoppable footsoldiers we have trained for years. (LV 26+)
flamberge, shynbaulds, blue churburg cuirass, plate mittens, sugarloaf great helm.
Guard : mighty shield users in our order.(LV 15-25)
scottish sword or langes messer, mail boots or mail chausses, brigandine or druzhina lammelar armor, wisby gauntlets, rounded topfhelm.
Royal Guard : Brandis's personal guardsmen. (LV 26+)
war spear or grosse messer, heavy heater shield or steel shield, shynbaulds, blue coat of plates, polished gauntlets, weimar helmet
Hired Blade : foot mercenaries that are handsomely rewarded for their good fighting. (STF)
same gear as native hired blade.
Priest : our holy clerics who can bless the soldiers in battle. (LV 1-17)
iron staff, rus shoes or kazahk boots, monk's robe or priest's robe, nothing, black hood or crested solak with plume.
Cleric : battle priest who fight with mace and shield. (LV 18+)
iberian mace or great maul, heavy heater shield or nothing, mail boots, light mail and plate, mail mittens or nothing, mail coif.
Pikeman : master knightslayers of the order. (LV 12+)
swiss halberd or pike, leather boots,mail chausses or mail boots, tourney armor,druzina mail shirt or haubergeon, mail gauntlets or wisby gauntlets, mail coif or bascinet with aventail.
Pardoned Bandit : looters that regret their evil crimes can join our army. (LV 14-20)
jarids or throwing axes x3, iron battle axe, mail chausses or leather boots, padded leather or byrnie, mail gauntlets, nasal helmet or nordic footman helmet with rings.
Pardoned Deserter : bandit leaders who regret their acts that can ride horses too. (LV 21+)
light lance,nordic war sword or military sickle, heavy throwing axes,throwing lances or jarids x2 and any cav heater shield, splinted greaves or splinted leather greaves over mail, light kuyak or byrnja, saddle horse or nothing, scale gauntlets or wisby gauntlets, khergit helmet or shahi.
Inquisitor : horse crossbowmen who can chase and kill cowards with ease. (LV 13+)
light crossbow, bolts or steel bolts, long arming sword, splinted greaves with spurs or rus splinted greaves, brigandine or haubergeon, rouncey or palfrey, mail mittens or mail gauntlets, flat topped helm
Druid : respective of nature those priests can grow plants wherever they want. (LV 20+) (forest lands unit)
glaive, bow, arrows, mail boots, green mail with surcoat, heavy gauntlets, green tounament helmet.
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loginthese are our banners 1st one is in Overdriven's pack and other in the other banner pack
OotG_Rank is the clan tag!!!
Master_Paladin: King RANK=king
HaxKingdoms: Pardoned Deserter RANK=full member
Huscarl: Knight RANK=full member
HotShot Archer RANK=full member
Davyjonesman Recruit RANK=recruit
Axeman Arbalestrier RANK=full member
We Are Recruiting!
StoryOnce upon a time...
there was a small village...
called Batavia.
The order's future grandmaster lived there.
He was but a peasant.
But he was brave.
He worked very hard...in a nordic village, a veteran cavalryman known as Huscarl,
joined Brandis since he hated goblins
and he destroyed a goblin camp.
he found a large town called Praven,
he sieged an orcish castle.
after that he found a sorry scumbag wondering around known as haxKingdoms.
he was living in the woods near the orcish castle and Brandis took him in so he could redeem.
After that he obliterated a demonic town,
found a bowman known as HotShot who liked jacking swords.
and so on!
![Smile :)](https://forum.c-rpg.net/Smileys/default/icon_smile.gif)
Until he made an order of his brave soldiers!
We use steam. my name is Brandis, King of the Griffin and our steam group is orderofgriffin
We use PMs too!
This clan is mainly NA but we also accept EU.
use this code to join ok
![Razz :P](https://forum.c-rpg.net/Smileys/default/icon_razz.gif)
Reason for joining:
Troop Type:[/b]
DIPLOMACYDislike : no one so far
Friendly : CotgS (for trying to make a banner for us), Hospitallers
Neutral : everyone else!
Ally : The Men Of The Vale, the forest lands (merged) (it is an excuse to use rangers and druids
![Razz :P](https://forum.c-rpg.net/Smileys/default/icon_razz.gif)
its roleplay)
WAR : no one so far
Treaty : no one so far
RanksRecruit : new people who join our order. to become full members they must get the gear for one troop type and play 4h per week in NA or EU. rank 1 in strat
Full Member : they are players who fulfill the demands said in recruit. rank 3 in strat must play 3h a week minimum.
Lord : they are people who play strategus, also there can only be five lords and they must be good friends of Brandis. they are officers in our steam group. rank 6 in strat, must own a fief! (village) THEY MUST BE ACTIVE (5h a week minimum) lords may wear archon armor whenever they want
King : the leader of the order. he can choose his own gear. rank 10 in strat
Lord slots : 0/5