Author Topic: [CotgS] - Children of the green Sun (recruiting - GERMAN)  (Read 37426 times)

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Offline Niemand

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  • Faction: Strat: NPC
  • Game nicks: GSU_GlaucomysDragon
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(website is back online again!)

(german Info below)

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Introduction and Background:
Good Day.
Somebody told me "There are no green suns" so I came to "Children of the green Sun". If we want it and believe... then there is a green sun. Who cares what other people say?

After the breakdown of "the Order of the unholy blood paladins of the coconut" ("CoCo_") I think its my turn now to start something. I took a break for a few month and now i am back, starting CotgS.

First it was thought as a community only. Now I think its a Community with the Clan as its Core. The Community, also the Clan, were made from dust in this last week. - And are now gone back to dust since I can not really decide what Software I want to use.

We will actively play a role in Strategus, when it comes back again. At least we hope to.
We also got an uniform-wish to our members... (you can see it at the end of this post).
And we don't have a real playstyle yet. At the moment we are a chaotic bunch of strange guys... but it seems like we will play more roleplayish... at least in strategus.

Our clan is not evil or good. We are who and what we are. Our clan walks up against those who are wrong Knights... those who are titled as Lords but don't act lordish/knightly. And to unite the green Lands.

We got a Board ( and a ts3-server.
Also a Community Steamgroup AND a Warband-ClanSection-Steamgroup.
And of course a Facebook-group.
A warband-server is not needed since we dont play Warband itself as a clan.
Tag and Banner:
Our Clantag is "CotgS_"
Our Banner is the one with the two green leaves, if you use the original Banners (Second Page, upper line, fourth from left.). If you use Kalam's BannerPack it is really obvious wich banner ours is.
(click to show/hide)

around 7. List can be found below in german section. The members have not got the Clantags in their names yet, that will follow with their retirements since its easier this way.

We take german-speaking people only. Not for racist-reasons but for communication-reasons. If you are able to speak german (i don't care if its a bit broken) you are free to join us, too - but it will be hard for you to understand some of us..


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Jemand meinte mal "Es gibt keine grünen Sonnen."... Offenbar doch. Wir müssen es uns nur vorstellen und es existiert - in unseren Köpfen. Wen interessiert da, was die anderen Sagen?

Nach dem Zerfall von "CoCo_" (the order of unholy blood paladins of the coconut) dachte ich mir, es ist an der Zeit einen Clan aufzuziehen, dessen Name nicht auf einer lustigen Idee und einem komischen Film besteht - sondern aus der eigenen Fantasie kommt. Im Gegensatz zu CoCo wird CotgS von mir geleitet und spielt vorerst NICHT auf der Strategus-karte mit. war ursprünglich nur als community gedacht - Nun bildet jedoch der Clan den Kern.

Wir haben bisher keine interne Struktur. Ob später noch eine kommt, darüber können sich die Mitglieder gerne selbst auslassen.
Wir spielen offiziell nicht auf der Strateguskarte mit. Strategus-Battles allerdings schon. - Selbiger Umstand ändert sich eventuell mit der Zeit.
Wir haben eine Uniform-Regelung/Vorschrift. Sie _muss_ nicht eingehalten werden, aber es ist gewunschen. ;)
Selbige ist zu finden im untersten Teil des Posts als "Addon".

Wir sind weder gut noch böse. Wir sind wer und was wir sind. Unsere Aufgabe ist es sämtliche unritterlichen Ritter und Burgherren zu entfernen... sowie die grünen Länder zu vereinen.

Wir haben ein Forum ( und einen teamspeak3-server.
Eine Community Steamgroup UND eine Warband-ClanSection-Steamgroup.
Selbstverständlich auch eine Facebook-group.
Keinen Warband-server. Dieser wird bisher nicht benötigt, da wir als Clan ausschliesslich cRPG spielen.

Tag und Banner:
Unser Clantag ist "CotgS_"
Unser Banner ist das mit den zwei grünen Blättern, wenn du die Original-banner nutzt (seite zwei, obere Reihe, das vierte von links.). Wenn du Kalam's BannerPack (empfohlen!) nutzt ist es doch sehr offensichtlich, welches unser Banner ist.
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Anforderungen und Regeln:
Folgende Dinge sind zu beachten und ein zu halten:
  • Mindestens 16 Jahre (Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel). Ständiges gekicher und rumgeblödel geht einem nur auf den Nerv im Teamspeak. Und ich möchte vermeiden fies oder gemein zu meinen Mitgliedern zu werden.
  • Aktivität in Forum und Spiel
  • Steam (Aufgrund des Gruppenchats.)
  • Teamspeak3. (Wer nicht reden will muss nicht, aber allein die Anwesenheit ist nett. Sie/Er kann ja zuhören und im Steamgruppenchat antworten.)
  • Das Beachten der Clan-vorschriften.
  • Das Einhalten der Höflichkeitsregeln im Umgang mit Außenstehenden/anderen Clans.
  • Das Befolgen der Anweisungen des Clanleaders.
  • Das Tragen der Clanfarbe und Clan-Rüstungen!

Memberlist - Mitgliederliste
(recent Names - aktuelle Namen) - (if it gets over 10 Members I will spoiler it.)
Name-Changes to clantags will be done with the retirements.
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Man wünscht eine angenehme Nacht! - Have a nice Night!

Addon - Armor - First concept
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Thread Rules!
- All Posts have to be longer then 3 Lines!
- All Posts have to be written in english language. Applications can be in German, too.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2011, 08:38:31 pm by Niemand »
Strategus-Faction: NPC. (More informations via Mail. Include your Username or mail-adress for response.)
Phase/Stage #1: Max-amount of Goods: 50. | Max-Troops: 200.

Offline Niemand

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  • When have I ever given a fuck?
    • View Profile
    • echstreme.designs
  • Faction: Strat: NPC
  • Game nicks: GSU_GlaucomysDragon
the relation to every linked faction is confirmed by them. If its not linked its only how we feel to them.

+++ (Alliance)
  • Wolves
  • French Connection(?)
  • Crusader-Alliance

++ (Helping/NAP/)

    0 (Neutral)

      - (Dislike - not at war)
      • Druzhina
      • HRE (grrrr! - Haha JK.)

      -- (Hayt! - at war!)
      • None. Everything nice and smooth! - And I am not planning on any changes regarding this!

      **Free as Birds. - Free for (Team)Kill on sight!
      Druzhina_RXN (he uses Fraps. so smile for the camera. that basterd teamkilled me and kickpolled me for teamkilling afterwards.)
      RoyalKnights (those Kids are too dumb to be allowed to live. Also they said "CotgS-Shit". Sentence: Death.)

      Other clans Niemand likes - at least to have them in his team or chat a bit with one or two of their members:
      « Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 07:37:38 am by Niemand »
      Strategus-Faction: NPC. (More informations via Mail. Include your Username or mail-adress for response.)
      Phase/Stage #1: Max-amount of Goods: 50. | Max-Troops: 200.

      Offline Niemand

      • Count
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      • When have I ever given a fuck?
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        • echstreme.designs
      • Faction: Strat: NPC
      • Game nicks: GSU_GlaucomysDragon
      Re: [CotgS] - Children of the green Sun (recruiting - GERMAN)
      « Reply #2 on: January 10, 2011, 11:16:22 am »
      Thread-Changelog: (Time is board-standart-time. - Morst recent is the lowest.)
      26.02.2012 - 05:37am - Changed the Diplomatations. Updated the Memberlist in the new post.
      dunnodate. - dunnotime - some more changes here and there.
      07.Jan.2011 - 06:25am - Added a new member, changed the order of the memberlist.
      07.Jan.2011 - 13:19pm - Added a new member and deleted an other, inactive member. (Now all Members except one are active!)
      08.Jan.2011 - 06:30am - Changed the Thread-Title to Clan-Thread-DIN.
      10.Jan.2011 - 09:13am - One Member removed. Good luck to him in the future. Sad he didn't feel well with us.
      28.Fap.2011 - 11:48am - Updated the urls and the members... not exactly sure its alright like this. We first need to regroup.
      15.Mar.2011 - 09:37 am - Updated the members, added the Diplomacy-stuff. Hope I didn't forget anybody. Still regrouping. - minecraft-server goes first.
      25.Apr.2011 - 07:25 changed some stuff (like the banners...) and started to add Character-Descriptions. Mods cleaned the thread. Thankyou.
      « Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 07:46:13 am by Niemand »
      Strategus-Faction: NPC. (More informations via Mail. Include your Username or mail-adress for response.)
      Phase/Stage #1: Max-amount of Goods: 50. | Max-Troops: 200.

      Offline Niemand

      • Count
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      • When have I ever given a fuck?
        • View Profile
        • echstreme.designs
      • Faction: Strat: NPC
      • Game nicks: GSU_GlaucomysDragon
      Re: [CotgS] - Children of the green Sun (recruiting - GERMAN)
      « Reply #3 on: April 25, 2011, 10:25:50 am »
      Character Description - Niemand
      This Information is NOT about me as a person, it is about my Character.

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      Character-Roleplay-Name: Niemand Niemals
      Shown Character-Name: CotgS_Niemand
      Age: around 21 to 26
      Origin: Middle-Europe | Jelkala
      Profession: Archer
      Attitude: good Chaos & Insanity
      He appeared from nowhere, wearing a ragged, old tunic, unproffesionally tailored from different kinds of cloth, forming a green sun on his chest. He seemed to wear it proudly and slowly there were gathering a few people around him. A wild bunch of peculiar fighters, starting to wear his colours... and so the Children of the green Sun were created...

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      (click to show/hide)
      « Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 12:03:58 pm by Niemand »
      Strategus-Faction: NPC. (More informations via Mail. Include your Username or mail-adress for response.)
      Phase/Stage #1: Max-amount of Goods: 50. | Max-Troops: 200.

      Offline Niemand

      • Count
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      • Renown: 210
      • Infamy: 368
      • cRPG Player
      • When have I ever given a fuck?
        • View Profile
        • echstreme.designs
      • Faction: Strat: NPC
      • Game nicks: GSU_GlaucomysDragon
      Developing the new Opening-Post

      Solbless, to all of those that are interested in our clan and it's background. I hope you like what you can read here, even if you don't like us.

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      (Informations for our not-german-speaking visitors and clanmates.)
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      (Informations for our german visitors and clanmates.)
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      (General Informations for all! - This is not Included in english or german Information-Spoilers!)
      (click to show/hide)

      Now we wish good luck to everyone of you, even to our enemies (and haters). Lets have fair battles and fights and
      may the green Sun shine bright on your ways!
      « Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 07:48:47 am by Niemand »
      Strategus-Faction: NPC. (More informations via Mail. Include your Username or mail-adress for response.)
      Phase/Stage #1: Max-amount of Goods: 50. | Max-Troops: 200.

      Offline Niemand

      • Count
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      • Renown: 210
      • Infamy: 368
      • cRPG Player
      • When have I ever given a fuck?
        • View Profile
        • echstreme.designs
      • Faction: Strat: NPC
      • Game nicks: GSU_GlaucomysDragon
      (I will need it soon, redesigning the Thread. - If not I will have it deleted.)

      testing some graphics:

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      Niemand's Banner-Taylory

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      the factionlist
      « Last Edit: May 26, 2011, 08:25:46 pm by Niemand »
      Strategus-Faction: NPC. (More informations via Mail. Include your Username or mail-adress for response.)
      Phase/Stage #1: Max-amount of Goods: 50. | Max-Troops: 200.

      Offline HarunYahya

      • Marshall
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      • Faction: BashiBazouks
      • Game nicks: HarunYahya,HarunShootya,Inan
      • IRC nick: HarunYahya
      Hallo !
      I had a lot of fun also on DTV mate , let's repeat it sometime !  :)

      Offline HarunYahya

      • Marshall
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      • Game nicks: HarunYahya,HarunShootya,Inan
      • IRC nick: HarunYahya
      Salam Aleykum.
      Of course. you can find some of the CotgS-guys on the DTV-servers very often. We slowly start getting active again. We prefer the servers of shogunate or inquisition, i guess... but mostly on more empty servers, since we dont want any lowskilled idiots strangers to be the cause for our loss. When we lose we want to say "That fail... we did ourselves!" proudly. :D
      Since (the most of) you are not lowskilled you are welcome to fight on our sides. ;)

      Hehehe good to see you guys getting back together.
      I am not familiar with Cotgs actually you are the only one i see from this clan.
      I totally agree with you , playing with "I think i can handle all bots if i get my flamberge and tincan up" retards is really hard.(No offence Cpt.Georges you are a good player :D)You need teamplay with DTV and i think we've done it quiet good.
      I would like to see more Cotgs guys although i think it's a silly name :P (Green sun wtf ?)
      Why not joining kapikulu instead ? :P Everyone should join us ! löl i am kidding ofc, gl with getting back together meine freund.

      Offline HarunYahya

      • Marshall
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      • Faction: BashiBazouks
      • Game nicks: HarunYahya,HarunShootya,Inan
      • IRC nick: HarunYahya

      Offline HarunYahya

      • Marshall
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      • Faction: BashiBazouks
      • Game nicks: HarunYahya,HarunShootya,Inan
      • IRC nick: HarunYahya
      CotgS... we got some more... some of them were there, too, when we played. But I am the one with the big mouth so they are mostly in my shadow... except for Kastellan, who starts trolling, too, lately. :D
      Blacksmith was there, Fennek and that Otto_von_Bismarck... Fennek does not wear a CotgS-tag. Oh and Odessus used to be one of us, too, he is not sure if he wants to stay or not. :D

      And yes, maybe its boring down in that "Garage" (its an "Arch" to be correct :D ), but its effective... the best spot where all classes (shielders, archers, 2handers/poledancers) can work together. The "green Sun" is a Symbol of the freedom of the fantasy. There are no green suns (if you listen to the scientists) in the universe. But there are... since our fantasy is in this universe, too. So the thing we want to say is: everything exists... as long as somebody believes in it. Who cares what "the others" say? :D

      Joining Kapikulu? Hmm... Nah, thanks. I would not like to pray five times a day... I don't even pray once a month. No No No... not my world. And you don't want me on your clan. I would only bring dishonour to you through my trolling. :D
      I would not be bothered by being friends or allies with Kapikulu - as long as you treat your peasants right. (If not we will come and take away your fiefs. :D)

      So now... I guess I will go to sleep slowly... or at least watch some movies and shut my brain down. Been awake for too long.

      (doubleposting for teh lulz win!)
      I pray every second for Allah thanks to him , i live my miserable life...
      Alliance ? Talk to abay i don't do serious shit between clans :) I mostly troll or talk bs on faction threads.
      Quadruple post ftw !  :twisted:

      Offline Tristan

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      Re: [CotgS] - Children of the green Sun (recruiting - GERMAN)
      « Reply #10 on: June 18, 2011, 02:12:26 am »
      Confirm or sign-up before 19th of june.
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      He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened his mouth.

      Offline MercilessGuy

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      Re: [CotgS] - Children of the green Sun (recruiting - GERMAN)
      « Reply #11 on: July 05, 2011, 05:48:58 pm »
      Hallo alle zusammen!
      Niemand, es wäre schön, wenn du mal einen Blick in das Deutsche Forum werfen könntest.


      Offline Salvius

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      Re: [CotgS] - Children of the green Sun (recruiting - GERMAN)
      « Reply #12 on: July 08, 2011, 08:01:37 pm »
      Hey Niemand, hab gerade zufällig ein bisschen im "Deutschen Forum" gelesen, wollte dir nur sagen, dass ich herausgefunden habe, dass du ein Idiot bist, das wars eigentlich schon...  :lol:


      Offline BlackMilk

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      Re: [CotgS] - Children of the green Sun (recruiting - GERMAN)
      « Reply #13 on: July 08, 2011, 08:04:45 pm »
      Hey Niemand, hab gerade zufällig ein bisschen im "Deutschen Forum" gelesen, wollte dir nur sagen, dass ich herausgefunden habe, dass du ein Idiot bist, das wars eigentlich schon...  :lol:

      Hey Salvius, hab gerade zufällig ein bisschen deinen Post gelesen, wollte dir nur sagen, dass ich herausgefunden habe, dass du weder cool/lustig bist noch in der Lage die zu sein scheinst eine einzelne Person von einem ganzen Clan zu differenzieren, das wars eigentlich schon... :lol:


      Offline Salvius

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      Re: [CotgS] - Children of the green Sun (recruiting - GERMAN)
      « Reply #14 on: July 09, 2011, 11:41:38 pm »
      Interessant, dass du es nicht einmal geschafft hast, diesen kurzen Post zu verstehen.  :|
