As a leader
Membership in the Imperium provides the following benefits:
1. Aid and protection against outside threats
2. Immunity from danger from members of the Imperium
3. Protection for trade within the borders of the Imperium
4. Assurance of mercenaries in defense
5. Assistance in expansion when the size of your faction grows or the Imperium's territory grows
Membership in the Imperium carries the following responsiblities:
1. You must agree to allow trade within your territory. Tariffs or Tolls may be imposed, but they must be reasonable. Reasonable polls will be decided by the Imperium's economic council.
2. You must agree to abide by the Imperium's diplomacy. To survive as one, we must act as one. Control of the diplomacy of the Imperium is done through the Imperium's ruling council.
3. You must agree to abide by the basic standards of behavior of the Imperium. If a member of the Imperium behaves poorly, it reflects on the whole. These standards are:
Do not troll to the point at which it seriously harms the fun of others
Do not cheat people on the market, or refuse to help those who made bad trades with you by accident.
Do not troll new players who need help.
Government of the Imperium
The Imperium has two branches, the Economic and the Ruling. The Economic Council is composed of one delegate from each member group's fief. Larger factions will have a larger representation on the Economic Council. It is responsible for trade agreements, trade regulations and the general taxation of the Imperium to support the central army.
The Ruling Council is composed of the Emperor, who presides over the council, and a delegate from each member faction. This council is responsible for the diplomatic and overall ruling of the council, as well as approving member applications. Applications to join must be approved by an 80% vote of the council. Each faction is given one veto, ever, to overrule that vote. Note that this is not for individual player applications, but for factions joining the Imperium as a whole. Once a faction has joined, it is given the right to send a member to this council, regardless of land ownership or former status. The ruling council has the ability to call the member factions to war, and decides how many troops to ask for from each member group.
Players may still join member factions without any interference, and there is no interference in cRPG play in general, excepting only the mild standards of conduct.
To apply, provide the following to one of the diplomats of the Imperium, and it shall be placed before the Ruling Council in their private forum.
Name of Faction
Current Diplomacy
Current Fiefs
Strategus Goal
As a fighter
To join as a fighter, simply find the name of someone you'd like to fight with on the contact information, and talk to them. All leaders are free to individually recruit as they see fit. Fighters may advance to positions of leadership, or branch out to positions of vassalage should they develop the ability or inclination.