Author Topic: Unban Balton, a victim of biased moderation  (Read 1465 times)

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Unban Balton, a victim of biased moderation
« on: October 02, 2011, 09:14:06 am »
I received a 5 day ban on account of three infractions, this is my defense on the matter, as the previous thread was closed only two hours after a moderator asked me to justify my actions, during which time I was away from home.

The first, I was sitting on the roof, when a teammate came up to me and started punching me, I started punching back, we were having a fun time, fist fighting each other. If you find her in-game, she will vouch that the tk was a mutual & harmless event (this is the only action for which I can understand being banned for, but a five day ban for boxing a friend is ridiculous).

The second, I tked a friend that I was stuck with outside the boundaries of the map. We got propelled there by a dead ladder, and managed to survive the fall. However, we got stuck inside a small hole (one you can fall into, but cannot climb out of). We spent the rest of the round trying to get out, to no avail. The time came around when we were the last two alive, so we decided to set one another free. Due to me being a strength build, I killed him first, and immediately went to spectator after. Again, if you find him in-game and ask him about the incident, I am positive he will vouch for me.

The third, leeching. There is only one case of me "leeching", and that was when I became stuck with my friend.

Do these actions warrant a five day ban? Maybe a one day ban at most, but even that would be a harsh penalty, as no one was griefed by these actions (one can even go so far as to say that unintentional teamkills grief people more than these two kills). The fact of the matter is, both tks were of mutual consent. Such tks occur on the server on a daily basis between clan-mates (clan-mates killing each other from fist fights, and at end of rounds (my first and second incident, respectively)), but no bans are ever given out for such actions (maybe a warning, or perhaps a kick at most).

Special shout out & my thanks to Bear, who tried to fight against the oppressive fascism by which an immature moderator rules. A moderator who has attempted to grief and harass me many times, both in-game and the forums, especially before he was given the power of moderation. Now, that moderator just gives me unjust overly lengthy bans instead.

Unban Balton, 2011. Remove the moderator rights from Sequel as well, for he clearly only banned out of a personal vendetta. As previously stated, clan-mates & friends killing each other at the end of rounds is often seen, yet Sequel never bans people when this happens in his presence, especially not for five days (biased moderation to the extreme).
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Re: Unban Balton, a victim of biased moderation
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2011, 09:33:06 am »
I support Balton 2012.

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Re: Unban Balton, a victim of biased moderation
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2011, 09:37:46 am »
I have noticed you doing nothing but being a fair and reasonable player who tends to get tons of hate due to past transgressions or whatever, and people have massive agendas against you constantly spamming polls against you or making ban threads.  You were photographed in the act of teamkilling which is grounds for a ban, but not given an opportunity to explain as I saw.  Personally I think you are a fun and non-rule breaking player and don't mind having you on the server.  Balton 2012

Though tk'ing is simply against the rules, and people should go to spectator instead in case of being stuck, so a ban was not unwarranted.  Just keep that in mind.
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Offline Balton

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Re: Unban Balton, a victim of biased moderation
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2011, 09:57:31 am »
I appreciate the vouches, dear friends.

You are right Smoothrich, I should not have tked, but I still believe that a five day ban is excessive, considering no griefing took place. And yes, my past has come to haunt me. Although it seems like the majority has come to accept me, the few whom have not, are quite passionate about trying to get rid of me.
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Re: Unban Balton, a victim of biased moderation
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2011, 06:23:28 pm »
Sigh, I told you this multiple times in private message that I have NOTHING against you, (A personal vendetta? LMAO I don't even know you to judge you like that.) you really need to stop bringing that up as it's getting old and rather annoying.

Me and Tears both looked at the screenshots. I told you what you were banned for. 2 Tk's (doesn't matter if you're in the right or wrong TK's are not allowed), leeching, and chat spam.

I talked with Shik and told him if he doesn't feel the ban should be that long he's more then welcome to change it (as I can't). I got no response or a reply and your ban date as yet to be changed. Go talk to Shik about it, crying on forums will get you no where.

On a side note - I closed the thread as there really is no reason you needed to defend yourself as TK's are TK's as I've said to you multiple times there no reason to do them.

I appreciate the vouches, dear friends.

You are right Smoothrich, I should not have tked, but I still believe that a five day ban is excessive, considering no griefing took place. And yes, my past has come to haunt me. Although it seems like the majority has come to accept me, the few whom have not, are quite passionate about trying to get rid of me.

Good, you learned your lesson and now you know, even though you should've known this as it's pretty general.

Why did you even bother private messaging me about your concerns with the ban? I answered your question and told you I have nothing against you as you we're giving a chance to come back with a clean record and given another shot. If you're not going to believe me or listen to anything I said to you then why did you bother messaging me in the first place?

Anywho, like I said if you feel oh so strongly about removing my admin rights and getting rid of your ban - Shik is the guy to talk too as he's the one who decides that all. If he thinks I've done a bad job he's more then capable of making that decision and taking me off.

I talked with Shik and your ban date has been reduced to 1 day. Learn from your mistakes and from that personal vendetta bullshit as I have nothing against you.

New Unban Date : 03.10.2011 18:47:00
« Last Edit: October 02, 2011, 06:50:55 pm by SeQuel »