Not a rage thread. And I know there are a million OP xbow discussions but I'd just like to point out something I observed today whilst playing on EU4.
There was 1 guy who was wearing Kerghit Guard Armour, Iron Greaves, Armet, Gauntlets and using an xbow + steel bolts + a decent sword (can't remember which). He was second on the server and was killing tons of people with his xbow. He kept 1 shotting me at crazy ranges whilst I was full speed on my horse (I am an agi build with steppe armour, so 1 shotting me is perfectly viable). There was also a guy with a poleaxe/xbow/transitional armour and another one with transitional armour/xbow/2h.
I'm just curious why there isn't more of a wpf penalty for wearing such armour? I have to say I don't know much about xbows, but I do know that if an archer tried that, they wouldn't be able to hit anything except for close shotgunning.
I have no issue with arbalesters such as Varyag, who I think I saw wearing a Mail Hauberk, and being able to get of accurate shots. But surely being able to do it in some of the heavier armour is a bit crazy?
I also know that during strat when the AI never got horn bows for defenders in siege (I can't use a longbow), I used an Arbalest with 0 wpf and it was only slightly less accurate than my horn bow when I'm on foot (I believe HA get an accuracy decrease when on foot but I have 172 wpf in archery).
Should the wpf penalties for higher tier armour be more extreme? Or the requirements for being able to use an Arbalest/xbow accurately be greater?
This is me genuinely interested and just saying what I've seen from observation.