Author Topic: Strategus item&gold reset - new game variables  (Read 21163 times)

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Strategus item&gold reset - new game variables
« on: September 04, 2011, 11:03:04 am »
Due to a bug and a few new gameplay elements, strategus will reset items and gold of every strat char and strat fief. So we don't fuck people over who are currently doing something, we're announcing it here so you know when it will happen.

Also, gold gain from crpg will be changed: you get your multi -1, so if you have a multi of 4 in crpg, you get 3 strategus gold.

probably a few more features and bugfixes, depends on how much time i can bring up.

gold and items reset -

troops now cost 2.5 gold per day (before: 1)
within fiefs, 1 per day
when you run out of gold, you lose (1-0.987) troops per hour(before: [1-0.8])
income from crpg is now multi-1 instead of gold/20
everyone pays wages, independent of troop size
i hope i can add some more features thursday

Now that I have a bit more time:

- why are you wiping gold and items?
first, it's not really a good solution, i think we can all agree. A full wipe would be fairer. However, a full wipe is currently not possible.
Also, the reason for the wipe is not (only) the current bug. I actually planned item&gold wipe before, and now that this happened it's a perfect situation to combine it.

- so why are you wiping it!!?!!
because of a new game mechanic. The new gold income is lowered drastically (before: crpggold/20, now: crpggold/50-1). the reason is that gold should be, for now, earned in strategus, not by grinding. People kicked everyone out of their fief because they gave a rats ass about the money, they wanted the troops. making it unplayable for people without fiefs.

- why should that change?
by lowering the grind income, people have to consider how to make money within strategus. Which means working, raiding, fief visitor fee, etc. Overall, gold will be lower, which also means lower tier equipment and less troops. Troop cost will be increased too - probably heavily, whatever that means, we'll see.

- why is a full wipe not possible?
because it would take too long to see any kind of results. right now is the perfect stage to test things for the gameplay. and i cant wipe strategus any time i'm testing new values. it usually goes like this: when possible, change on the fly. when that would substantially make it unfair for certain groups, do a semi wipe. when it's broken beyond fixability, do a full wipe.
doing no wipe now would mean that those who stashed cash up to now would be really unreachable by those who would have to start getting gold now. doing a full wipe would mean it would take months to see how the values turn out. and they will probably be adapted soon again, hopefully(and probably) without the need for a semi wipe or a full wipe.

-why aren't you giving people resources to test stuff?
it's not just about the battles, those are working very good, i think. what i'm trying to tinker with now is the amount of gold(=items) and troops people can and want to bring to skirmishes. i can only test that with a semi-real world, like we have in strategus. giving or taking resources would totally influence this balance.

-why aren't you testing stuff before releasing.
the entire QA department is on vacation. on a more serious note, you cannot test strategus with a small team, and I currently don't have the time to set up a proper test world. there is only the real strategus. I know many of you think this is the worst strategus EVER. Bug ridden, unplayable, you never know what bug or exploit will screw your entire plans over. From a dev point of view, I can say this is the best round ever. Every bug found is one less in the next strategus. And damn we've fixed a lot of bugs. Lots of code was rewritten in the backend, and if it goes on like this, strategus will be (breaking)bugfree soon. And then you will understand why the current round is so important.

Some of you get annoyed by bugs, you think "wtf? another bug? learn2code noob!". But the way I see it is actually: "yay, another bug found! means one less to worry about next round!". Try thinking of it this way: there's x number of bugs in strategus. Once all are found, the game is bugfree. So every reported bug brings the game forward, not backwards. also, please, report bugs in the strategus issue forum with a descriptive title. It often happens that the entire community knows a bug apart from me, because people talk about it on TS or skype or whatever, but no one tells me, or just drops a line in irc which will get overlooked 80% of the time. If it's not in the strategus issue forum, chances are I don't know about it. Many thanks to the guys who keep reporting bugs, it's really appreciated. Special thanks to kesh here who gave many detailed reports so far, and the more detailed the report is, the faster the bug is fixed.

Long story short: if you're just here to play and can't accept setbacks, better sit out and wait for some time. There will be a real strategus up, and it will be as polished as possible. I know it's sometimes frustrating, I thank you for dealing with this - and me. I'm trying to put as much work into this game as possible, and I am not really a person with a lot of free time. For all those who are willing to sit this through - I thank you very much for your participation, I really rely on it and your continuous bug reports. They not only help, they are the columns of my work. Without it, strat would never be in a playable state. I promise I will try to keep the current strat as playable as possible for you, and the next strat as awesome as possible.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 12:05:56 am by chadz »

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Re: Strategus item&gold reset in 60 hours (2 and a half day)
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2011, 11:13:22 am »
Good to see those who benifited from the item dupe won't get to use them!

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Re: Strategus item&gold reset in 60 hours (2 and a half day)
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2011, 11:20:08 am »
just wipe all of strat then. this is going to be.. very crazy.

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Re: Strategus item&gold reset in 60 hours (2 and a half day)
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2011, 11:22:04 am »
I think this war is about to get very interesting!

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Re: Strategus item&gold reset in 60 hours (2 and a half day)
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2011, 11:42:56 am »
So wait, because you added a bug, by fixing a bug, every clan that has continued with this beta has to suffer (Every clan that has had a clan retreat on them)? Also where the fuck was this attitude when a bunch of clans got hacked due to a security exploit within the Strategus database, none of this is logical.

I'm seriously questioning whether you're either bipolar, or a teenager, or you could just be that fucking stupid.

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Re: Strategus item&gold reset in 60 hours (2 and a half day)
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2011, 11:44:26 am »
RIP Zealot.
This community hurts my brains, a lot.

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Re: Strategus item&gold reset in 60 hours (2 and a half day)
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2011, 11:52:14 am »
Can we set up accounts outside of Calradia that will not be affected by the reset?  I'm staging a cRPGleaks campaign in GARAGAMOSIS across the sea, would like to have some chump change while the pleebs rebuild.

PM me with serious response, please.
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Re: Strategus item&gold reset in 60 hours (2 and a half day)
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2011, 11:54:27 am »
This would be very unfair to the people that were actually winning legit battles *cough*cough NorthAmericans. Can you possibly remove 90% of the equipment from every one. TBH if your going to have a item wipe, I'd rather have a full wipe and start from scratch. With this wipe, some clans with the upper hand ATM will lose that and become on the bottom.

The people who went on a campaign, where they took out many foes and required loot from them, would  have lost their troops for nothing.

I say ban those who exploited it, and leave the rest who won legit battles.
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Re: Strategus item&gold reset in 60 hours (2 and a half day)
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2011, 12:01:31 pm »
Would it be possible to give gold based on troop size? I think many will lose thousands to upkeep, especially those without access to a high-paying town. Maybe better to do a troop wipe as well?
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Re: Strategus item&gold reset in 60 hours (2 and a half day)
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2011, 12:08:50 pm »
Look at the comments, nobody is happy, is there a better solution to this bug.
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Re: Strategus item&gold reset in 60 hours (2 and a half day)
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2011, 12:09:05 pm »
Sounds good, but if we loose all the gold ,how can we afford troops upkeep? Are we gonna loose also our troops?
« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 12:11:11 pm by Lars »

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Re: Strategus item&gold reset in 60 hours (2 and a half day)
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2011, 12:09:13 pm »

At first I truly thought that it is a deliberate devs' action to spice things up in Strategus, as the loots from sieges on our own castles we really great, but were not "a multiplier of existing stuff"; it was just a lot of eq that defenders had. But the yesterdays' siege on Dramug convinced me it is a bug, as the loot was completely crazy. We lost some stuff in this battle, but at the same time we got some pieces of eq in the amounts that even the defenders did not have, without any deeper logic. Again, I am not even sure if it is a multiplier of anything, and it surely does not refer to all eq items.


As much as my heart bleeds saying that :D, the fix is necessary. The current situation would actually lead to the inflation of eq in a very short time. I am not sure if wiping all gold and eq is fair, or smart, as this will hit players in in unequal manner. Moreover there was too little money in Strat before, looting changed it, now it is going to be event worse unless there will be a new method of earning.

But again, dear devs, the current situation, the bug, as you call it, gave us a lot of action in Strat. Motivation to fight  :D As I suggested here:,12775.0.html

please fix this in the manner that will give factions that decide to run battles and sieges (in particular) something to fight for, as castles (and I guess cities as well) really become useless after being conquered. If the winner could loot 100% of defenders eq, now, that would keep Strat alive and running...  Leaving some gold to the existing troop is also a smart idea as troops need money to exist, so stripping all gold would lead to further deterioration of everyone and stagnation for some time.

I also look forward to this:

and a few new gameplay elements
« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 12:23:22 pm by Erasmas »
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Re: Strategus item&gold reset in 60 hours (2 and a half day)
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2011, 12:11:04 pm »
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« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 09:02:15 pm by Classical »

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Re: Strategus item&gold reset in 60 hours (2 and a half day)
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2011, 12:16:21 pm »
Bow down to LLJK's ~* superior posting*~

Now to comment on the subject at hand.


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Re: Strategus item&gold reset in 60 hours (2 and a half day)
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2011, 12:26:29 pm »
Hurrah a reset. anyway only concern is our troops that will vanish in thin air due to 0 gold on many players.
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