On topic, I don't think there should be a no-upkeep day. You can play on a server not hooked up to the database and play with Any gear, you don't get exp or gold for it. The way it should be -- the way it is.
You don't have to follow the metagame and try to max your KDR while playing. Do stuff that is FUN. This is a game after all.
Try stuff that is fun like this:
Dress up as a cook and go cut people with a knife
Pretend to be a bush: Wear all green, hide in a bush with a battlefork. Ambush people.
Get 6 of your friends together and walk around with all of the same ridiculous weapon (pikes, great mauls, Everyone using a huscarl and not attacking until you surround and start kicking the enemy to death, etc)
Make a STF character that is a 36/3 Torch bearer (or use a practice sword)
You know what I did yesterday? Ran around in a dress stabbing people with a dagger from horseback.