Here's somewhat latest configs of official servers. Map rotations might have varied slightly.
Same setup runs on both EU and NA Official servers (EU_cRPG_x, NA_cRPG_x).
Official 1, Battle - server1.cfg
#WARNING: Make sure that you change the capital values with proper ones.
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid administrator password
set_pass_admin password
#if you have premium members, set a password for them, otherwise delete/comment out the line below
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid private password
#set_pass_private PRIVATEPASS
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid server name
set_server_name EU_cRPG_1
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid welcome message
set_welcome_message Welcome to cRPG, enjoy your stay.
#Steam must be running in order to use valve anti cheat
#Also you must use the Steam version of the dedicated server in order to use this option
set_enable_valve_anti_cheat 0
#setting battle (multiplayer_bt) mode
set_mission multiplayer_bt
#setting max players, first one is non-premium member limit, second one is premium member limit
set_max_players 120 120
set_num_bots_voteable 0
set_round_max_seconds 420
set_map multi_scene_1
add_map quick_battle_scene_2
add_map lookout
add_map riot_in_swadian_city
add_map village_1
add_map river_village
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map oasis_village
add_map multi_scene_14
add_map agania
add_map village_3
add_map random_multi_plain_medium
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map village_4
add_map nord_village
add_map village_5
add_map village_6
add_map multi_scene_6
add_map village_7
add_map villageoasis
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map village_8
add_map nether
add_map quick_battle_scene_11
add_map BlueBells_BeechTrees
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map village_9
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map village_10
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map lookout
add_map riot_in_swadian_city
add_map village_13
add_map BurningoftheShips
add_map river_village
add_map multi_scene_1
add_map village_14
add_map agania
add_map nord_village
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map oasis_village
add_map multi_scene_14
add_map santas_castle
add_map random_multi_plain_medium
add_map river_village
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map village_18
add_map village_19
add_map multi_scene_6
add_map village_20
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map RuIn
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map village_22
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map village_23
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map village_24
add_map random_multi_plain_medium
add_map village_26
add_map riot_in_swadian_city
add_map multi_scene_1
add_map village_27
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map multi_scene_14
add_map village_29
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map lookout
add_map BlueBells_BeechTrees
add_map village_31
add_map nether
add_map village_32
add_map multi_scene_6
add_map village_33
add_map nord_village
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map villageoasis
add_map village_34
add_map agania
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map BurningoftheShips
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map village_36
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map village_37
add_map santas_castle
add_map village_38
add_map riot_in_swadian_city
add_map multi_scene_1
add_map nether
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map oasis_village
add_map multi_scene_14
add_map RuIn
add_map village_42
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map village_43
add_map quick_battle_scene_2
add_map village_44
add_map village_45
add_map multi_scene_6
add_map village_46
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map agania
add_map river_village
add_map random_multi_plain_medium
add_map village_47
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map village_48
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map lookout
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map village_50
add_map riot_in_swadian_city
add_map BlueBells_BeechTrees
add_map village_51
add_map multi_scene_1
add_map village_53
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map village_54
add_map quick_battle_scene_11
add_map nether
add_map multi_scene_14
add_map village_55
add_map BurningoftheShips
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map village_56
add_map nord_village
add_map villageoasis
add_map village_57
add_map quick_battle_scene_11
add_map village_58
add_map santas_castle
add_map multi_scene_6
add_map agania
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map village_60
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map lookout
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map village_62
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map RuIn
add_map village_64
add_map village_65
add_map multi_scene_1
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map village_67
add_map multi_scene_14
add_map village_68
add_map river_village
add_map random_multi_plain_medium
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map village_69
add_map nether
add_map village_70
add_map village_71
add_map riot_in_swadian_city
add_map multi_scene_6
add_map village_72
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map village_73
add_map BlueBells_BeechTrees
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map village_74
add_map nord_village
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map oasis_village
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map village_76
add_map quick_battle_scene_11
add_map village_77
add_map BurningoftheShips
add_map village_78
add_map multi_scene_1
add_map oasis_village
add_map village_79
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map santas_castle
add_map village_80
add_map quick_battle_scene_2
add_map villageoasis
add_map multi_scene_14
add_map village_81
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map village_82
add_map multi_scene_6
add_map agania
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map quick_battle_scene_11
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map RuIn
add_map village_87
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map lookout
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map river_village
add_map riot_in_swadian_city
add_map village_89
add_map multi_scene_1
add_map random_multi_plain_medium
add_map village_92
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map village_93
add_map multi_scene_14
add_map village_94
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map village_95
add_map nether
add_map BlueBells_BeechTrees
add_map multi_scene_6
add_map village_98
add_map quick_battle_scene_2
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map village_99
add_map nord_village
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map village_100
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map village_101
add_map oasis_village
add_map BurningoftheShips
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map village_102
add_map quick_battle_scene_11
add_map village_103
add_map riot_in_swadian_city
add_map village_104
add_map multi_scene_1
add_map village_105
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map village_106
add_map multi_scene_14
add_map village_107
add_map RuIn
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map village_108
add_map lookout
add_map village_109
add_map villageoasis
add_map quick_battle_scene_11
add_map village_110
#adding all kingdoms to both sides just to randomize all of them
#adding less kingdoms will reduce the randomization set (used in set_randomize_factions command)
add_factions fac_kingdom_1 fac_kingdom_1
add_factions fac_kingdom_2 fac_kingdom_2
add_factions fac_kingdom_3 fac_kingdom_3
add_factions fac_kingdom_4 fac_kingdom_4
add_factions fac_kingdom_5 fac_kingdom_5
add_factions fac_kingdom_6 fac_kingdom_6
set_randomize_factions 1
#since default team point limit is 300, the line below is necessary for this mode
set_team_point_limit 5
#if the bottleneck is your server's bandwidth, then make sure that you set a correct value for upload limit
set_upload_limit 40000000
#if you are running more than one dedicated server on the same computer, you must give different ports to each of them
set_port 7140
#if you are running the Steam version of the dedicated server, this port must also be set, and same limitations of set_port apply for Steam port
#set_steam_port 7241
set_server_log_folder Logs_1
set_server_ban_list_file ban_list.txt
set_control_block_direction 1
set_friendly_fire 1
set_melee_friendly_fire 1
set_friendly_fire_damage_friend_ratio 50
set_friendly_fire_damage_self_ratio 0
set_auto_team_balance_limit 2 # Banner balance
#chuck awsome money settings
set_starting_gold 10
set_round_gold_bonus 10
set_combat_gold_bonus 250
#vote restrictions
set_kick_voteable 1
set_ban_voteable 1
set_factions_voteable 0
set_maps_voteable 0
set_num_bots_voteable 0
#we want naked people!
set_force_default_armor 0
set_ghost_mode 0
set_add_to_game_servers_list 1
Official 2, Siege - server2.cfg
#WARNING: Make sure that you change the capital values with proper ones.
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid administrator password
set_pass_admin password
#if you have premium members, set a password for them, otherwise delete/comment out the line below
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid private password
#set_pass test
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid server name
set_server_name EU_cRPG_2
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid welcome message
set_welcome_message Welcome to EU 2 server, enjoy your stay.
#Steam must be running in order to use valve anti cheat
#Also you must use the Steam version of the dedicated server in order to use this option
set_enable_valve_anti_cheat 0
#setting battle (multiplayer_bt) mode
set_mission multiplayer_sg
#setting max players, first one is non-premium member limit, second one is premium member limit
set_max_players 120 120
set_num_bots_voteable 0
set_round_max_seconds 360
set_map multi_scene_3
add_map foothold
add_map jammadi_castle
add_map ridoma_castle
add_map multi_scene_8
add_map sea_raid
add_map hrafninn_castle
add_map multi_scene_10
add_map holmet_castle
add_map winter_castle
add_map multi_scene_13
add_map khirin_castle
add_map Heisenberg
add_map multi_scene_15
add_map greipenfurt_castle
add_map forest_attack
add_map multi_scene_16
add_map citadel
add_map warkworth_castle
#adding all kingdoms to both sides just to randomize all of them
#adding less kingdoms will reduce the randomization set (used in set_randomize_factions command)
add_factions fac_kingdom_1 fac_kingdom_1
add_factions fac_kingdom_2 fac_kingdom_2
add_factions fac_kingdom_3 fac_kingdom_3
add_factions fac_kingdom_4 fac_kingdom_4
add_factions fac_kingdom_5 fac_kingdom_5
add_factions fac_kingdom_6 fac_kingdom_6
set_randomize_factions 1
#since default team point limit is 300, the line below is necessary for this mode
set_team_point_limit 3
#if the bottleneck is your server's bandwidth, then make sure that you set a correct value for upload limit
set_upload_limit 25000000
#if you are running more than one dedicated server on the same computer, you must give different ports to each of them
set_port 7141
#if you are running the Steam version of the dedicated server, this port must also be set, and same limitations of set_port apply for Steam port
#set_steam_port 7241
set_server_log_folder Logs_2
set_server_ban_list_file ban_list.txt
set_control_block_direction 1
set_friendly_fire 1
set_melee_friendly_fire 1
set_friendly_fire_damage_friend_ratio 50
set_friendly_fire_damage_self_ratio 0
set_auto_team_balance_limit 2 # Banner balance
#chuck awsome money settings
set_starting_gold 10
set_round_gold_bonus 10
set_combat_gold_bonus 250
set_defender_spawn_count 0
#vote restrictions
set_kick_voteable 1
set_ban_voteable 1
set_factions_voteable 0
set_maps_voteable 0
set_num_bots_voteable 0
#we want naked people!
set_force_default_armor 0
set_ghost_mode 0
set_add_to_game_servers_list 1
Official 3, Duel/Strategus - server3.cfg
#WARNING: Make sure that you change the capital values with proper ones.
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid administrator password
set_pass_admin password
#if you have premium members, set a password for them, otherwise delete/comment out the line below
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid private password
#set_pass_private PRIVATEPASS
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid server name
set_server_name EU_cRPG_3
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid welcome message
set_welcome_message Welcome to the Strategus Server, enjoy duels while you are waiting.
#Steam must be running in order to use valve anti cheat
#Also you must use the Steam version of the dedicated server in order to use this option
set_enable_valve_anti_cheat 0
#setting battle (multiplayer_bt) mode
set_mission multiplayer_duel
#setting max players, first one is non-premium member limit, second one is premium member limit
set_max_players 200 200
set_num_bots_voteable 0
set_map multi_scene_1
#adding all kingdoms to both sides just to randomize all of them
#adding less kingdoms will reduce the randomization set (used in set_randomize_factions command)
add_factions fac_kingdom_1 fac_kingdom_1
add_factions fac_kingdom_2 fac_kingdom_2
add_factions fac_kingdom_3 fac_kingdom_3
add_factions fac_kingdom_4 fac_kingdom_4
add_factions fac_kingdom_5 fac_kingdom_5
add_factions fac_kingdom_6 fac_kingdom_6
set_randomize_factions 1
#since default team point limit is 300, the line below is necessary for this mode
#set_team_point_limit 10
#if the bottleneck is your server's bandwidth, then make sure that you set a correct value for upload limit
set_upload_limit 25000000
#if you are running more than one dedicated server on the same computer, you must give different ports to each of them
set_port 7142
#if you are running the Steam version of the dedicated server, this port must also be set, and same limitations of set_port apply for Steam port
#set_steam_port 7241
set_server_log_folder Logs_3
set_server_ban_list_file ban_list.txt
set_control_block_direction 1
set_friendly_fire 1
set_melee_friendly_fire 1
set_friendly_fire_damage_friend_ratio 50
set_friendly_fire_damage_self_ratio 0
set_auto_team_balance_limit 7
#chuck awsome money settings
set_starting_gold 10
set_round_gold_bonus 10
set_combat_gold_bonus 250
#vote restrictions
set_kick_voteable 1
set_ban_voteable 1
set_factions_voteable 0
set_maps_voteable 0
set_num_bots_voteable 0
#we want naked people!
set_force_default_armor 0
set_ghost_mode 0
set_map_time_limit 120
set_add_to_game_servers_list 1
Official 4, Battle - server4.cfg
#WARNING: Make sure that you change the capital values with proper ones.
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid administrator password
set_pass_admin password
#if you have premium members, set a password for them, otherwise delete/comment out the line below
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid private password
#set_pass_private PRIVATEPASS
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid server name
set_server_name EU_cRPG_4
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid welcome message
set_welcome_message Welcome to cRPG, enjoy your stay.
#Steam must be running in order to use valve anti cheat
#Also you must use the Steam version of the dedicated server in order to use this option
set_enable_valve_anti_cheat 0
#setting battle (multiplayer_bt) mode
set_mission multiplayer_bt
#setting max players, first one is non-premium member limit, second one is premium member limit
set_max_players 50 50
set_num_bots_voteable 0
set_round_max_seconds 420
set_map multi_scene_1
add_map quick_battle_scene_2
add_map lookout
add_map riot_in_swadian_city
add_map village_1
add_map river_village
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map oasis_village
add_map multi_scene_14
add_map agania
add_map village_3
add_map random_multi_plain_medium
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map village_4
add_map nord_village
add_map village_5
add_map village_6
add_map multi_scene_6
add_map village_7
add_map villageoasis
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map village_8
add_map nether
add_map quick_battle_scene_11
add_map BlueBells_BeechTrees
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map village_9
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map village_10
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map lookout
add_map riot_in_swadian_city
add_map village_13
add_map BurningoftheShips
add_map river_village
add_map multi_scene_1
add_map village_14
add_map agania
add_map nord_village
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map oasis_village
add_map multi_scene_14
add_map santas_castle
add_map random_multi_plain_medium
add_map river_village
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map village_18
add_map village_19
add_map multi_scene_6
add_map village_20
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map RuIn
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map village_22
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map village_23
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map village_24
add_map random_multi_plain_medium
add_map village_26
add_map riot_in_swadian_city
add_map multi_scene_1
add_map village_27
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map multi_scene_14
add_map village_29
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map lookout
add_map BlueBells_BeechTrees
add_map village_31
add_map nether
add_map village_32
add_map multi_scene_6
add_map village_33
add_map nord_village
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map villageoasis
add_map village_34
add_map agania
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map BurningoftheShips
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map village_36
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map village_37
add_map santas_castle
add_map village_38
add_map riot_in_swadian_city
add_map multi_scene_1
add_map nether
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map oasis_village
add_map multi_scene_14
add_map RuIn
add_map village_42
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map village_43
add_map quick_battle_scene_2
add_map village_44
add_map village_45
add_map multi_scene_6
add_map village_46
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map agania
add_map river_village
add_map random_multi_plain_medium
add_map village_47
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map village_48
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map lookout
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map village_50
add_map riot_in_swadian_city
add_map BlueBells_BeechTrees
add_map village_51
add_map multi_scene_1
add_map village_53
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map village_54
add_map quick_battle_scene_11
add_map nether
add_map multi_scene_14
add_map village_55
add_map BurningoftheShips
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map village_56
add_map nord_village
add_map villageoasis
add_map village_57
add_map quick_battle_scene_11
add_map village_58
add_map santas_castle
add_map multi_scene_6
add_map agania
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map village_60
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map lookout
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map village_62
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map RuIn
add_map village_64
add_map village_65
add_map multi_scene_1
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map village_67
add_map multi_scene_14
add_map village_68
add_map river_village
add_map random_multi_plain_medium
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map village_69
add_map nether
add_map village_70
add_map village_71
add_map riot_in_swadian_city
add_map multi_scene_6
add_map village_72
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map village_73
add_map BlueBells_BeechTrees
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map village_74
add_map nord_village
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map oasis_village
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map village_76
add_map quick_battle_scene_11
add_map village_77
add_map BurningoftheShips
add_map village_78
add_map multi_scene_1
add_map oasis_village
add_map village_79
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map santas_castle
add_map village_80
add_map quick_battle_scene_2
add_map villageoasis
add_map multi_scene_14
add_map village_81
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map village_82
add_map multi_scene_6
add_map agania
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map quick_battle_scene_11
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map RuIn
add_map village_87
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map lookout
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map river_village
add_map riot_in_swadian_city
add_map village_89
add_map multi_scene_1
add_map random_multi_plain_medium
add_map village_92
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map village_93
add_map multi_scene_14
add_map village_94
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map village_95
add_map nether
add_map BlueBells_BeechTrees
add_map multi_scene_6
add_map village_98
add_map quick_battle_scene_2
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map village_99
add_map nord_village
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map village_100
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map village_101
add_map oasis_village
add_map BurningoftheShips
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map village_102
add_map quick_battle_scene_11
add_map village_103
add_map riot_in_swadian_city
add_map village_104
add_map multi_scene_1
add_map village_105
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map village_106
add_map multi_scene_14
add_map village_107
add_map RuIn
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map village_108
add_map lookout
add_map village_109
add_map villageoasis
add_map quick_battle_scene_11
add_map village_110
#adding all kingdoms to both sides just to randomize all of them
#adding less kingdoms will reduce the randomization set (used in set_randomize_factions command)
add_factions fac_kingdom_1 fac_kingdom_1
add_factions fac_kingdom_2 fac_kingdom_2
add_factions fac_kingdom_3 fac_kingdom_3
add_factions fac_kingdom_4 fac_kingdom_4
add_factions fac_kingdom_5 fac_kingdom_5
add_factions fac_kingdom_6 fac_kingdom_6
set_randomize_factions 1
#since default team point limit is 300, the line below is necessary for this mode
set_team_point_limit 5
#if the bottleneck is your server's bandwidth, then make sure that you set a correct value for upload limit
set_upload_limit 40000000
#if you are running more than one dedicated server on the same computer, you must give different ports to each of them
set_port 7143
#if you are running the Steam version of the dedicated server, this port must also be set, and same limitations of set_port apply for Steam port
#set_steam_port 7241
set_server_log_folder Logs_4
set_server_ban_list_file ban_list.txt
set_control_block_direction 1
set_friendly_fire 1
set_melee_friendly_fire 1
set_friendly_fire_damage_friend_ratio 50
set_friendly_fire_damage_self_ratio 0
set_auto_team_balance_limit 2
#chuck awsome money settings
set_starting_gold 10
set_round_gold_bonus 10
set_combat_gold_bonus 250
#vote restrictions
set_kick_voteable 1
set_ban_voteable 1
set_factions_voteable 0
set_maps_voteable 0
set_num_bots_voteable 0
#we want naked people!
set_force_default_armor 0
set_ghost_mode 0
set_add_to_game_servers_list 1
Official 5, Siege - server5.cfg
#WARNING: Make sure that you change the capital values with proper ones.
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid administrator password
set_pass_admin password
#if you have premium members, set a password for them, otherwise delete/comment out the line below
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid private password
#set_pass test
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid server name
set_server_name EU_cRPG_5
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid welcome message
set_welcome_message Welcome to EU 5 server, enjoy your stay. Some maps are new and being tested, please provide feedback in the forums.
#Steam must be running in order to use valve anti cheat
#Also you must use the Steam version of the dedicated server in order to use this option
set_enable_valve_anti_cheat 0
#setting battle (multiplayer_bt) mode
set_mission multiplayer_sg
#setting max players, first one is non-premium member limit, second one is premium member limit
set_max_players 80 80
set_num_bots_voteable 0
set_round_max_seconds 360
set_map multi_scene_3
add_map foothold
add_map jammadi_castle
add_map ridoma_castle
add_map multi_scene_8
add_map sea_raid
add_map hrafninn_castle
add_map multi_scene_10
add_map holmet_castle
add_map winter_castle
add_map multi_scene_13
add_map khirin_castle
add_map Heisenberg
add_map multi_scene_15
add_map greipenfurt_castle
add_map forest_attack
add_map multi_scene_16
add_map citadel
add_map warkworth_castle
#adding all kingdoms to both sides just to randomize all of them
#adding less kingdoms will reduce the randomization set (used in set_randomize_factions command)
add_factions fac_kingdom_1 fac_kingdom_1
add_factions fac_kingdom_2 fac_kingdom_2
add_factions fac_kingdom_3 fac_kingdom_3
add_factions fac_kingdom_4 fac_kingdom_4
add_factions fac_kingdom_5 fac_kingdom_5
add_factions fac_kingdom_6 fac_kingdom_6
set_randomize_factions 1
#since default team point limit is 300, the line below is necessary for this mode
set_team_point_limit 3
#if the bottleneck is your server's bandwidth, then make sure that you set a correct value for upload limit
set_upload_limit 25000000
#if you are running more than one dedicated server on the same computer, you must give different ports to each of them
set_port 7241
#if you are running the Steam version of the dedicated server, this port must also be set, and same limitations of set_port apply for Steam port
#set_steam_port 7144
set_server_log_folder Logs_5
set_server_ban_list_file ban_list.txt
set_control_block_direction 1
set_friendly_fire 1
set_melee_friendly_fire 1
set_friendly_fire_damage_friend_ratio 50
set_friendly_fire_damage_self_ratio 0
set_auto_team_balance_limit 2
#chuck awsome money settings
set_starting_gold 10
set_round_gold_bonus 10
set_combat_gold_bonus 250
set_defender_spawn_count 0
#vote restrictions
set_kick_voteable 1
set_ban_voteable 1
set_factions_voteable 0
set_maps_voteable 0
set_num_bots_voteable 0
#we want naked people!
set_force_default_armor 0
set_ghost_mode 0
set_add_to_game_servers_list 1
Official 6, DTV - server6.cfg
#WARNING: Make sure that you change the capital values with proper ones.
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid administrator password
set_pass_admin password
#if you have premium members, set a password for them, otherwise delete/comment out the line below
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid private password
#set_pass test
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid server name
set_server_name EU_cRPG_6
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid welcome message
set_welcome_message Welcome to EU 6 server, enjoy your stay. Some maps are new and being tested, please provide feedback in the forums.
#Steam must be running in order to use valve anti cheat
#Also you must use the Steam version of the dedicated server in order to use this option
set_enable_valve_anti_cheat 0
#setting battle (multiplayer_bt) mode
set_mission multiplayer_dtv
#setting max players, first one is non-premium member limit, second one is premium member limit
set_max_players 20 20
set_num_bots_voteable 0
set_round_max_seconds 360
set_map village_3
add_map village_4
add_map village_5
add_map village_6
add_map village_7
add_map village_8
add_map village_9
add_map village_10
add_map village_11
add_map village_12
add_map village_13
add_map village_14
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add_map village_108
add_map village_109
add_map village_110
#adding all kingdoms to both sides just to randomize all of them
#adding less kingdoms will reduce the randomization set (used in set_randomize_factions command)
add_factions fac_kingdom_1 fac_kingdom_1
add_factions fac_kingdom_2 fac_kingdom_2
add_factions fac_kingdom_3 fac_kingdom_3
add_factions fac_kingdom_4 fac_kingdom_4
add_factions fac_kingdom_5 fac_kingdom_5
add_factions fac_kingdom_6 fac_kingdom_6
set_randomize_factions 1
#since default team point limit is 300, the line below is necessary for this mode
set_team_point_limit 3
#if the bottleneck is your server's bandwidth, then make sure that you set a correct value for upload limit
set_upload_limit 25000000
#if you are running more than one dedicated server on the same computer, you must give different ports to each of them
set_port 7145
#if you are running the Steam version of the dedicated server, this port must also be set, and same limitations of set_port apply for Steam port
#set_steam_port 7241
set_server_log_folder Logs_6
set_server_ban_list_file ban_list.txt
set_control_block_direction 1
set_friendly_fire 0
set_melee_friendly_fire 0
set_friendly_fire_damage_friend_ratio 50
set_friendly_fire_damage_self_ratio 0
set_auto_team_balance_limit 7
#chuck awsome money settings
set_starting_gold 10
set_round_gold_bonus 10
set_combat_gold_bonus 250
set_defender_spawn_count 0
#vote restrictions
set_kick_voteable 1
set_ban_voteable 1
set_factions_voteable 0
set_maps_voteable 0
set_num_bots_voteable 0
#we want naked people!
set_force_default_armor 0
set_ghost_mode 0
set_add_to_game_servers_list 1